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About the Books


One afternoon in the early summer of 2012, I sat in my office chair talking with Rachel on the house phone, as we used to do in those days. “Let’s make a book!” Rachel said, and the adventure began. That day we created a list of characters and the events within seventeen chapters total, seventeen because that is Rachel’s favorite number. We completed the first draft in the span of June to the day before New Year’s Eve that December, wherein that time I wrote the story by pencil in a seventy-page, spiral-bound black notebook. With the help of a couple friends, I polished it after typing it into MS Word, once the year after I wrote the first draft, and again this summer.

Fish Out of Water is the first of four books chronicling the mythical happenings in an old boarding school through the eyes of two mermaids-in-disguise. This first book covers their first year, the 10th grade.

FooW Cover

To peruse the beginning and/or buy a copy, go to:

Fish Out of Water

The second book of the series of four, The Magical Fair, is in the process of production:

A foreign army seeks to surround and capture Oxborough Boarding School, the mission of which still remains mysterious, from within and without. Who can Margot and Vivian really trust, or is it every man for himself? Will they successfully defeat the enemy before it’s too late?