What’s Keeping Me Writing This Book?
Writing a book is basically rewriting, says many famous, tried and true authors. I am currently working on an urban fantasy book so far called Portal to Japan, which I have worked on regularly, in an on-and-off fashion. But God forbid that I lose any motivation in getting it done in a timely manner!
Why am I so concerned about finishing this book? Well, I want to be able to finish a project, first of all. Every author needs to have finished at least one book. Granted, I do have a YA fantasy book called Fish Out of Water on Amazon. I hope to get back to that series after Portal to Japan.
Anyhow, I also am motivated because of those around me. Writing is a very lonely job. Every writer must use his or her own intuition and knowledge to come out with poetry, alone. This is something that Hemmingway acknowledged. But it does help to have some writers around you to push you forward. While I was whiling away my time here, I happened to come across an interview featuring Donald Trump, Jr., who has recently published a non-fiction book. He had time during lockdown to write and publish a book. So have I. How come I haven’t gotten as far as I could have??? If he could do it, I thought, I could too.
I also have perused my WordPress reader for the first time in a very long time, and viewing other writers and their enthusiasm for their writings and life have also given me renewal. There have been weeks when the momentum of my work ebbs. Recently, I happened to move my printed first draft into my room, and now I can glance over at the title every so often. Whenever I look at it, PORTAL TO JAPAN, a pulse like the Doctor Who theme song beats.
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