Should Writers Take Breaks on Saturdays?
It’s Thursday morning, and I am in no position to take a break at this moment. But, I did come across a couple of interesting facts that perhaps suggested that writers, and everyone in general, should take a break on Saturday. No, not just any day of the week: Saturday.
“Why?” you might ask. There are animals that, like clockwork, “keep” Saturdays. Not Sundays. Saturdays. With a little research, one will come across the terms “Seventh Day Beavers” and “Sabbath-keeping Bees.” Apparently, at least one family of beavers has rested on Saturdays for over 16 years. You’ll see the beaver swim to and fro from its dam every day, flicking its tail and making a big splash before disappearing into the unseeable depths of the pond. To and fro it goes, all day, from Sunday to Friday, but when Saturday comes . . . all is silent and still. According to the video by Larran Cole on YouTube, “Beavers that rest on Saturday,” (which sadly shows how much extensive research I’ve done on this subject of Saturday-resting beavers), one can hear the noises of the beavers inside their dam on that seventh day, so you know they are just at home. Further research will inform you that there are indeed bees and ox that rest on Saturdays too.
Whether you are Christian or not, one might conclude that there is something about the seventh day of the week that is meant for resting. Does this mean all churches should hold worship on this day? I’m not going there; no, I wouldn’t suggest that. But it could mean that all writers should take note. Perhaps there is something about Saturdays that make them worthy of them becoming our day of the week “off.”