What Next?
To quote a favorite song, “How come there’s this fork in the road, yet it cuts like a knife?”
Finally, I have finished writing Chapter 6 of The Magical Fair! It is a momentous occasion. Steve O’Malley–I salute you. Of course you have no idea what that means, but I’d rather not give away too much. In any case, the War in the Dusk has been won…
I’m learning that to take the great advice that “writers write” and that to spend one’s time consuming (watching all the forms of entertainment and taking in all distractions) rather than producing (actually writing) is good to take. Of course we need to keep consuming in order to produce, but having the discipline to keep writing is a great necessity in a world where divertissement wants to run your mind amok into its maze of fun.
Speaking of running your mind amok, I have an update or two. I am at a place as an author where there are so many choices . . . and so little wisdom. What should I do with my first self-published book, Fish Out of Water? Should I dare to love it as it is, and promote it to the high heavens? Is it really worth going through another edit? And if so, by what way?
I used to be part of a fantastic Facebook group called Young Writers Community run by Brett Harris, Jacelyn Crowe, and several other authors. It was great to even mildly know those in this fast-growing community. However, it shut down some time ago due to not enough people to manage the page.
This lead me to realize one day, “I have no guidance where I really need it. Where can I find someone or some group?” LinkedIn came in useful there, and someone found me and added me to a new group. Now I am part of a writer group that functions just the same way as the old one, except rather than the age range being about 12-25, it’s adults. I needed that! It’s truly something God opened up for me.
Likewise, God is really the only source of my direction. I don’t always recognize that. Often, I forget what He has done for me, and sometimes do not even want to think about it and would rather go to other people first, think about something fun, or believe the lies that my anxiety tells instead. Of course, when I look for other people to go to, no one is ever around!!! Isn’t that great? Still, God does use people to help other people.
I came across a compelling statement in my Bible study’s notes for last week. I do not believe enough in the reality of God’s care for me. The end of the notes said, “If you are God’s child, all your triumphs are through God’s might; all your growth comes by God’s nurture and guidance.” Before I go on . . . let’s soak in that, shall we? Yet I am a bit short for time in writing today. Soak on your own time please. In any case, what a thought of God’s active presence and love for the one who’s come to Jesus! And even for those who don’t know Him, His kindness is evident. The last part: “No matter what comes–joy or sorrow, strength or weakness, vitality or death–all is delivered by the hands of our loving Savior.”
Life post-college to me is like sailing into the Pacific Ocean without a clear direction or a map. Through seeking God for guidance all the way, even every moment, and expecting His response, we can find green pastures in the Pacific.
January 24, 2019 @ 2:38 pm
Really good!
January 24, 2019 @ 11:44 pm